New Banklets – Boost your E-Banking Solution
August 31, 2022. Banklet Lab® by Knowledge Lab enables banks to compose their banking IT landscapes and to take advantage of best-of-breed offerings for customized functional areas. The first two Banklets developed by Banklet Lab® are now ready to go: the appointment scheduler and the address manager. In this article, we point out how you can make them yours and boost your e-banking solution.
Innovative Development Projects
In addition to its consulting services, Knowledge Lab invests heavily in innovation projects and developing respective infrastructure and processes. In recent years, Knowledge Lab has not only created a stable development environment but has also continuously expanded its software development competencies in Zurich and Belgrade. One of such innovative development project of Knowledge Lab is the Banklet Lab®.
New Banklets by Banklet Lab®
In April 2022, Knowledge Lab AG successfully launched its new Banklet Lab®. In this interdisciplinary Lab, our Avaloq Core Bank and DevOps experts, full-stack engineers, and senior consultants develop modular components, the so-called Banklets. A Banklet is an add-on application with a specific functionality or building block solution associated to Avaloq’s Web Banking Portal. By using these individual modular Banklets financial institutes can now design their digitalization strategy modularly, thereby boosting their e-banking solution.
The essential requirements for a state-of-the-art e-banking service are error-prone installations, immediate availability, highly customized solutions, and reasonable costs. The Banklet Lab® has considered these demands in the entire development process and proudly presents its new achievements: The first Banklets of the Banklet product line are fully developed, tested, and ready for leveraging e-banking solutions.
Address Management and Appointment Schedular Banklets
Using Knowledge Lab’s expertise in the Avaloq Front technology stack and based on customer requirements, the Banklets appointment scheduler and address manager have been developed. They can be integrated into any bank infrastructure. The newly developed Banklets by Banklet Lab® enable financial institutions a faster and more individual e-banking solution to deliver the best-in-class user experience.

A specialty of the new Banklets is that they use community APIs (CAPI) of Avaloq and external APIs. This provides a high degree of customization. The appointment scheduler, for example, uses both the Avaloq CAPI and external calendar APIs such as the Graph APIs or Google Workspace. Another unique feature of the Banklet Appointment Scheduler: it is, by default, already integrated into the existing e-banking solution or even works in a portal. Furthermore, Banklet Lab® uses the Avaloq UI-SDK to guarantee a seamless user experience between Avaloq products and the bank's own.
The Banklets of Banklet Lab® are entirely stand-alone. Hence, they can be individually selected and integrated into the system. But the most significant advantage over developed banklets by the bank itself is that Knowledge Lab has built an established delivery chain: testing the functionality with Avaloq, in-depth troubleshooting, and quick and error-free product deployment.
Offerings by Banklet Lab®
The Banklet Lab® provides three offerings: Banklet customization, development services for new Banklets, and Banklets as a service.
- First, the team of Banklet Lab® is helping to customize existing Banklets with present use cases, leaving the Banklets on the customers’ premises.
- Second, the experts of Banklet Lab® build entire Banklets for customers’ use cases and deliver them as software packages that can be operated on the Avaloq Container Platform (aka ACPR).
- Lastly, Knowledge Lab offers hosting, and operation services for Banklets built by Banklet Lab®. In this case, the Banklet Lab® is a one-stop-shop that includes the product’s entire life cycle, including bug-fixes and new features.
Another added value is the seamless integration of third-party applications and APIs into one user interface (UIs) is. Knowledge Lab implements Banklets to integrate 3rd-party software into an existing Avaloq implementation. That way, banks can compose their own banking IT landscapes and take advantage of best-of-breed offerings for each functional area.
By using Knowledge Lab’s Banklets, banks can now not only shape their digitization strategy but also rely on sophisticated products and fast and flawless integration into the existing IT infrastructure.
The article «Banklet Lab – The Architecture behind» describes a possible architecture enabling such a seamless setup. For more information on the Banklet Lab® we refer to our blog article «Introducing our new Banklet Lab».

Special thanks to Slaviša Avramović, Ivana Bašić, Saša Dević, Bojan Gajic, Danilo Ivanović, Zarko Maksović, Djordje Radisavljevic, Miroslav Trninic.
For further information and consulting services, please contact Angelo Brillout.