Redesigning a wealth management application

Redesign the user experience of an existing wealth management application to enhance usability and improve customer engagement


As a digital wealth manager, it is important to provide a user-friendly online wealth management application in order to attract and retain customers. The goal of the wealth management application is to complement the customers’ personal banking relationship. In addition, the requirements of internal stakeholders such as Customer Relations, Sales, Marketing, the development team, and other departments must also be implemented in the target solution.

Insight & Action 

Knowledge Lab conducted user research, stakeholder interviews, collaborative design workshops, created prototypes and test scenarios to produce a coherent vision for target personas of differing ages and tech-savviness levels. Cross-departmental work was central to bringing to light differing aspects of the requirements and user tests led to a refined solution, that satisfies customers, while upholding implementation and system architecture needs.


Knowledge Lab worked closely with the development and strategy team throughout the whole process. The end result was the design of a hybrid mobile-desktop wealth management application: a solution that is adaptable to customers’ individual needs. Thanks to a seamless user experience and improved performance, the application offers an attractive digital channel to the wealth management offering of the bank.